27 Years and we are still ready, willing, and able to honor our fallen brothers and sisters by celebrating the very freedoms they protected!
Daniel McFalls, Director Post 233 ALR

Get ready to do it again! Monday May 26th, 2025!
See some of the photos below and check out the video made by a great group of bikers that attended this last year, the Disciples of Antioch Motorcycle Ministry.
Again, thank you for coming out and supporting us all these years. We love our great sponsors and we look forward to a less soggy ride in 2025!
Daniel McFalls
Post 233 Legion Riders

The photos below are from Jay Sanders Photography.
Thank you Jay for taking such awesome photos.
You can check out all of the photos and more on his website here.
The password to log in is RFA2024.

Thank you to all our great sponsors, the Post 233 Legion family, and YOU, the riders that came out to honor our fallen Heroes!

Please visit our sponsor page and support the wonderful sponsors that support us.
Below are some photos from prior years to let you know what you can look forward to next year:
If you have any photos you think belong on this website, please send them to director@post233alr.com and we will get them up.

We, the American Legion Riders of Post 233, thank you.
American Legion Riders Post 233 Director – Joe Leeper
Ride For America Co-Founder – Stan Mauldin
The video below gives some background about the ride and has some awesome shots about what it is like to ride. It is a ride worth remembering.
RideforAmerica Vimeo from Beth Garrigal on Vimeo.